Affordable Augment Act – Deus Ex: HR Director’s Cut Priced
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 14 2013 07:00 GMT in Deus Ex: Human Revolution
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The next bright, gold sun in the Deus Ex Universe might be on the way, but that doesn’t mean we’ve seen all Deus Ex: Human Revolution has to offer just yet. There’s more stuff – some of which was cut. By directors. But now it’s back, and some of it is entirely new. Also, Eidos Montreal is claiming that boss fights are now less awful. Is it an honest-to-goodness miracle or merely hyper-sophisticated science in the trench-coat-clad guise of wizardry? We’ll probably never know. But I can say this much with certainty: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut is just around the corner, and it’s actually quite cheap – especially if you already own the vanilla version of HR.


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