Kid Icarus Uprising Message Board older than one year ago

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Kid Icarus Uprising' Awesome Menus Require 11 Minutes of Your Attention. Trust Me.
#kidicarus Kid Icarus: Uprising as a game? Very good. Kid Icarus: Uprising as a thing to put on a stand? Eh... More » posted by Kotaku Mar 23 2012 21:30 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - review
A portion of a Kotaku review......It feels uncalculated in a way that very few games do anymore. It's unlike any other game currently available for the 3DS, and is fundamentally fun to play despite its flaws. And so while the adage "Your mileage may vary"... posted by GoNintendo Mar 23 2012 20:29 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - final boss and ending
Placed after the jump, due to spoilers...Read the rest of the story... posted by GoNintendo Mar 23 2012 18:03 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - review
A portion of a C3 review...Kid Icarus: Uprising was always going to be a risky move from Nintendo, pegging it as one of the key Nintendo 3DS titles right from launch, but thankfully it was delayed long enough for Masahiro Sakurai and his team at Sora Ltd ... posted by GoNintendo Mar 23 2012 17:19 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - review
A portion of a Joystiq review...I already know reactions to this game will be polarized, and it basically comes down to whether people can get used to those (again, admittedly) uncomfortable controls. And I feel a little embarrassed, exposed even, to see ... posted by GoNintendo Mar 23 2012 16:52 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - today's new screens, info (March 23rd)
Gameplay: If you want, you can use the ABXY Buttons to move Pit, aim with the Circle Pad and shoot with the R Button. Tackle the challenges in the Treasure Hunt grid to reveal the picture & get exclusive weapons and powers as a reward! At the Musi... posted by GoNintendo Mar 23 2012 15:34 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - GT review
Get More:, Kid Icarus: Uprising - Review, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 posted by GoNintendo Mar 23 2012 15:11 GMT
Kid Icarus Uprising Cometh
It won't be long now before stateside gamers have their hands on Kid Icarus Uprising - the first new entry in the series for more than 20 years. You could spend the rest of your Icarus-less time replaying Metroid Prime Hunters and developing stylus strate... posted by IGN Mar 22 2012 22:58 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - AR card battle footage, Sakurai shows off
That image above is from Sakurai's Twitter. Looks like he has 9 3DS' and 9 copies of Kid Icarus: Uprising. I guess he's already set up for local multiplayer when friends come over! posted by GoNintendo Mar 22 2012 19:56 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - today's new screens, info (March 22nd)
Enemy: The Snowman's breath will freeze you on the spot. Recover more quickly by sliding the Circle Pad back and forth. Vehicle: The Aether Ring is a freely moving vehicle of the gods. Use its protective barrier and charge into enemies!Link posted by GoNintendo Mar 22 2012 17:29 GMT
Kid Icarus: Uprising - today's new screens, info (March 21st)
Multiplayer (1/2): You can generate computer players in Light vs. Dark when you can't get enough people to join. You can have anywhere from 2 to 6 players in a Free-for-All match with the CPUs filling the empty spots. Weapon: Atlas Club shots don't pa... posted by GoNintendo Mar 21 2012 17:28 GMT