As one of the few MMOs headed for consoles, DC Universe Online presents the challenge of satisfying both long-term PC MMO fans and lifelong console players experiencing the genre for the first time. Developer Sony Online Entertainment also has to feature the DC pantheon of heroes and villains, while simultaneously making room in the DC Universe for millions of new heroes and villains -- and it has to let people build their own unique mixture of powers without sacrificing game balance or allowing everyone to be Superman.
Of course, judging from history (hello, True Fantasy Live Online) just releasing an MMO on consoles is enough of a challenge. SOE Creative Director Chris Cao told Joystiq that this was one of the major reasons for the recent delay of DCUO from this month into early 2011. "An MMO is already a complex thing to launch," he said, "let alone on two platforms, with two kinds of audiences, and so we've been running closed beta and internal beta for a long time, most of this year." As the team found more to work on through these betas, they asked for, and received, permission to delay the game.
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