While it may not hold the same honors as Dead Space Girl, this mouth-watering image is one of the most frequently used throughout Joystiq history, reserved for many of our Peggle-related stories. Considering its wide cross-platform availability, we're almost certain you know exactly what Peggle is, and why it's so addicting. Surprisingly, PopCap's game has not yet made it to Sony's handheld -- a fact will be rectified next Tuesday when it lands on the PSN for $9.99.
PopCap's Michael Santora promises that the PSP version will include "all the original Masters, challenges, and levels in adventure mode," but unfortunately, he makes no mention of any Peggle Nights. Considering how late the PSP version is, we're surprised no additional content is being added. It certainly makes justifying the $10 asking price a bit more difficult.
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