Crazy Taxi drivers get an early start, available on PSN today
Posted by Joystiq Nov 16 2010 18:00 GMT in Crazy Taxi
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It's so rare that games come out sooner than expected rather than ... well, the other way around. That seems to be the case with Crazy Taxi. Though the game was initially slated for a November 23 release, it will actually be made available later today on the PlayStation Store for $9.99. Sorry, Xbox Live Arcaders, but your release date didn't get the red carpet treatment -- it's still coming November 24.

In fact, Sega has made the pot even sweeter for PS3 owners. If you're a subscriber to PlayStation Plus, you can go ahead and knock $1.99 off the price of the game if you purchase it before November 30. Wow, two dollars? That's cuh-raaaaaazy money. Actually, no, wait. That's perrrfectly saaaaane money.

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