Crazy Taxi Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Mar 14 2014 13:00 GMT
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Sega's just announced a new Crazy Taxi game. For mobile. Now what do you think that's going to look like? If you guessed something that looks a whole lot like an infinite runner, then congratulations. This ride's on us.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jul 11 2013 10:30 GMT
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Following the release of the iOS port last October, Sega has made available the Dreamcast version of their acclaimed taxi-slash-reckless-driving simulator, Crazy Taxi, on Android as well. The mobile version sports "remastered" visuals and touch-screen adapted controls, but is otherwise a faithful port, retaining both the gameplay and the soundtrack of the original game from 2000. Here's what Sega's promising for the Android port: ♪ TRANSPORT BACK TO 2000 ♪-Remastered for mobile devices based on the hugely popular Dreamcast Classic-Rock out to original music by The Offspring and Bad Religion FIERCE ENVIRONMENTS TO MAKE YOUR PASSENGERS GO INSANE-Extra large hills for extra long hang time -Parked transporters with conveniently angled ramps -Occasional deep sea exploration opportunities DONT GET TOO DELIRIOUS -Choose from 3, 5 or 10 minute game play in Arcade Mode and Original Mode -Play in touch or tilt control modes OTHER FEATURES: -Continue the madness with 16 Mini games -Listen to tracks from your own music playlist -Universal Build - Buy once and play across multiple devices-Controller Support - Play with your Power A Moga, Xbox, and all HID controllers! If you're up for a nostalgia-laden trip to the early aughts, you can nab the game on Google Play here. And, if you've missed last year's iOS port, you can take a look at that over here. Crazy Taxi for Android [Google Play] Crazy Taxi for iOS [iTunes] Questions? Comments? Contact the author of this post at andras-AT-kotaku-DOT-com.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 11 2013 00:00 GMT
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Sega's iconic arcade racer Crazy Taxi has pulled into the Android garage and is available on the Google Play store now for $4.99. The Android version mirrors the iOS port with two modes of play, Original and Arcade, and includes 16 different mini-games.

Crazy Taxi, an open-world driving game where players must pick up citizens and ferry them along to various destinations around town, made its debut in the arcades back in 1999. A Dreamcast port emerged the following year, blazing a trail for several games in the series over the following years.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 29 2012 15:30 GMT
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Today's daily deal on Xbox Live includes sales on six games as part of a "family games" theme. Two XBLA games, Crazy Taxi and The Splatters, can be downloaded for 200 Microsoft points each today, a 75 percent savings on their original 800 point prices.

The other six games come straight from the Games on Demand section, and include Toy Story 3 and Crash of the Titans for $9.99, half off from the original $20 price for either game. Cars 2 is $19.99 today, while Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts is $9.99, both 33 percent off. The Xbox Live Countdown to 2013 promotion will keep rolling with sales for the next few days, so these deals are only good for today.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 11 2012 18:15 GMT
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Hey hey hey, Crazy Taxi has come on over to iPad and iPhone, and is now available on the App Store for $4.99. Sega announced the crazy early release date, although apparently it's available everywhere except Asia for now. Which is a little bit crazy, really. Sega also announced an Android port is due shortly.

As suggested by the tiny trailer earlier in the week, and confirmed by the above one, the game features the original's memorable mix of The Offspring and Bad Religion. The only right way to play Crazy Taxi is with the same four punk rock songs yah-yahing through your ears for hours on end.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 08 2012 19:00 GMT
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Sega found a platform that didn't already have Crazy Taxi on it, and is rectifying that situation immediately. The platform in question is iOS, and Sega's port of the Dreamcast classic is scheduled for release this October.

Curiously, the teaser video for the iOS release features Offspring's "All I Want," or as you know it, the "YAH YAH YAH YAH YAH" that Crazy Taxi left in your brain forever. The track was missing from the recent HD re-release; its presence in this video suggests Sega has re-licensed it.

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 23 2012 18:25 GMT
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Sega's pledge to bring Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network downloaders a hefty chunk of titles from the publisher's final foray into the home console market has brought us such Dreamcast...erm, "classics" as Crazy Taxi, Sega Bass Fishing, Daytona USA, and Space Channel 5: Part 2, which is to say, it hasn't exactly brought us very many of the games people who owned Dreamcasts are actually shouting about when they yell at you regarding how great the Dreamcast was. Fortunately for those who enjoy yelling about how great the Dreamcast was, that's about to change.

It's actually a little disturbing to realize this game is nearly 12 years old now.

Via a vague YouTube video posted on Sega's official blog, the publisher has officially announced its intention to bring the much-beloved Jet Set Radio to XBLA and PSN sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Jet Set Radio (known as Jet Grind Radio in North America) is, of course, the famous Dreamcast game that somehow managed to make rollerblading seem like something other than a misguided holdover hobby from the early '90s. In it, players would take control of a group of rollerblading miscreants hellbent on grinding every available piece of scenery in three distinct districts of Tokyo-to, while spraying graffiti all over everything and staving off rival gangs, cops, and military soldiers in the process. Think of it like Tony Hawk meets Marc Ecko's Getting Up, all wrapped up into a still rad-looking cel-shaded art style from a time before people really knew what the hell cel-shading in video games even was.

While Sega's mystery blog doesn't give any hints as to a time frame for Jet Set Radio's arrival, we can expect that it won't be too far off, if they're already dropping hints about this thing. In any event, it'll be plenty of time for people to start arguing about whether Jet Set Radio, or its sequel, Jet Set Radio Future, had the superior soundtrack (it's totally Jet Set Radio Future). And while you're doing that, maybe say a little prayer that the full soundtrack actually makes it into this HD re-release. After all, it's not like we haven't had to deal with excised licensed tracks in these sorts of games before.

Finally, please enjoy this original trailer from the game's original press cycle back in 2000, and remind yourself how adorably unpretentious video game trailers were back then.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 29 2011 04:30 GMT
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Starting tomorrow, March 29, frugal gamers looking to dip their toes into Sega's franchise pool for something new to play will find two entries from its most iconic series to be half-off. After Burner Climax and Crazy Taxi will have their prices slashed down to $5 (400 MS Points). The sale is only extended to these two titles from Sega's staple and lasts until Friday, April 1.

After Burner Climax is the obvious choice between the two here, but if you're vehemently against The Offspring or Pizza Hut, then maybe the XBLA port of Crazy Taxi is for you. Either way, remember: you can always download the free trial first. Try before you buy, people!

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 07 2011 09:37 GMT
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Oh, this is hot stuff! Couldn’t be hotter. Kieron sends words that Steam is now selling noteworthy Dreamcast titles Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure DX, Sega Bass Fishing and (here we go!) the inestimable, irrepressible Space Channel 5: Part 2 for £5.99 each, or £19.99 for the lot. Why should you be interesting in taxis, fishes, Sonic the Hedgehog and… space channels? Careful, now. Those are poison thoughts you’re having. You’ll find precisely why you need each of these games after the jump. (more…)

Posted by Kotaku Jan 14 2011 05:30 GMT
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#dreamcast As expected, Sega revealed today that a collection of old Dreamcast games will be released for the Xbox 360 and PC. And as you'd expect from such a collection, it's a little disappointing. More »

Posted by Joystiq Dec 02 2010 01:30 GMT
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Appropriately enough, both of the games featured on this week's XBLA in Brief are ports of older games, like so much reheated Thanksgiving turkey. On one hand, we have a ported PSP brawler, Unbound Saga. In the other, there's Sega's latest Dreamcast revival, Crazy Taxi. Like real leftovers, they're cheap ($10 each) and they might not taste as good as they did the first time around.

Posted by IGN Nov 19 2010 21:07 GMT
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You'd be crazy to buy this old Dreamcast port. It lacks The Offspring.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 16 2010 23:35 GMT
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This week's PSN update delivers the first installment in the Prince of Persia trilogy HD-ified for North America. Available in Europe as a Blu-ray compilation later this week, The Sands of Time is available now for $15 in North America, with the other two installments launching in December.

The Crazy Taxi remake is ready to take you for a ride if you got $10 and there's also some refined high-quality Peggle to be found on PSP. For PlayStation Plus subscribers, check out Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus ... it's free. The rest of this week's update can be found after the break.

Choose your platform to view the corresponding release list:
(Note: Continue past the break to view both release lists.)

Posted by IGN Nov 16 2010 18:06 GMT
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Dreamcast and arcade classic now available in HD.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 16 2010 18:00 GMT
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It's so rare that games come out sooner than expected rather than ... well, the other way around. That seems to be the case with Crazy Taxi. Though the game was initially slated for a November 23 release, it will actually be made available later today on the PlayStation Store for $9.99. Sorry, Xbox Live Arcaders, but your release date didn't get the red carpet treatment -- it's still coming November 24.

In fact, Sega has made the pot even sweeter for PS3 owners. If you're a subscriber to PlayStation Plus, you can go ahead and knock $1.99 off the price of the game if you purchase it before November 30. Wow, two dollars? That's cuh-raaaaaazy money. Actually, no, wait. That's perrrfectly saaaaane money.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 14 2010 19:13 GMT
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Sega places a November 23 date on the PlayStation Network version of Dreamcast classic Crazy Taxi, with the Xbox Live Arcade version coming a day later. Just in time for Thanksgiving! More »

Posted by Joystiq Oct 13 2010 21:20 GMT
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It'll be time to make some crazy money when the PSN and XBLA versions of Crazy Taxi pick you up in November. Hitting PSN first on the 23rd and then XBLA on the 24th, Crazy Taxi will cost $10 and offer widescreen support with 720p HD graphics. Pick up passengers across the San Francisco-ish landscape in either Arcade Mode or Original Mode, or try out the 16 minigames that "hone taxi-driving skills."

For the purists, be aware that the licensed music and products will not be present in this version. That means no Pizza Hut, and a complete lack of The Offspring and Bad Religion. That may actually be a blessing, depending on how many times you played Crazy Taxi back in the day.

Posted by IGN Oct 13 2010 17:37 GMT
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SEGA Dreamcast and arcade classic coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network.

Posted by IGN Oct 13 2010 13:43 GMT
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Still crazy after all these years.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 12 2010 23:30 GMT
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#sega The revival of Dreamcast favorite Crazy Taxi on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network won't transform the game significantly. More »

Posted by IGN Jun 11 2010 18:55 GMT
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Sonic and Crazy Taxi are in our hands. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Posted by IGN Jun 11 2010 18:41 GMT
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