Natural Selection 2's closed beta starts tomorrow, new trailer today
Posted by Joystiq Nov 18 2010 16:30 GMT in Natural Selection 2
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As a fan of Natural Selection, one of the most popular Half-Life 2 mods, you've had a tough go of it, having to wait eight full years for a follow-up to your beloved blend of FPS and RTS. You've heard about the four playable alien classes, each with their own unique abilities, that will battle it out with the weapon-savvy Marines. You've heard about how the dynamic environments will evolve over each map. But you've been living off a trickle of information, and you now find yourself positively parched.

Well, allow your friends at Joystiq to provide a gigantic canteen full of Natural Selection 2-centric refreshment. Not only do we get to reveal that the closed beta of the game will finally launch tomorrow, we also get to pass on the good news that gaining entry is as simple as being among the first 10,000 to pre-order the game. (Those who have already pre-ordered are in.)

...What's that? Your thirst is still not slaked? Well, how about a new exclusive trailer, featuring the teleporting Fade class, that we've placed after the jump? Drink, friends! Drink!

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