So what have you guys been doing?
Posted by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:01 GMT in Dark Prognosticus
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the same shit we always do
Reply by Nastasia Nov 23 2010 03:03 GMT
Try to take over the world?
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:03 GMT
Who do you think you are? Wacko McGoose? There will be NO Warner Bros. Cartoon references. At all. Ever.
Actually flavio is just butt hurt because flav was going to make that joke buwt whatever
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Nov 23 2010 03:04 GMT
Aww, sorry Flavio. I'll imagine you did it first.
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:05 GMT

Actually Flav it was Strong Bad who made all the Warner Bros Cartoon references. Wacko McGoose was strictly in the Disney camp. So wassup DP?

Reply by Tails Doll Nov 23 2010 03:12 GMT
Not much. Mostly spending my time on Formspring and IRC in a MSPA Session-esque thing nowadays. And also College but that's hardly interesting aside from getting a teacher fired.
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:13 GMT
Wait now how did you get a teacher fired :|
Reply by Tails Doll Nov 23 2010 03:15 GMT
Well she threatened to lower my grade for COUGHING (I was sick). She stopped class a LOT to yell at us for coughing or dropping stuff, and she told me to stay after for "calling out" when I simply responded to her question. I was basically "lol no" and reported her to the head of the Department, and had others do the same. 3 canceled classes later, we had a new teacher.
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:17 GMT
Yeesh, how long did you let her teach you all anyways?
Reply by Tails Doll Nov 23 2010 03:21 GMT
Let's see, reported her the 28th of September, so that was about a month of college at that point. So about 10 (50 minute) classes with her.
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:23 GMT
Well I say you have some solid nerves for being able to put up with an evil sounding teacher for that long. You ought to give yourself a PROMOTION.
Reply by Tails Doll Nov 23 2010 03:25 GMT
I guess. I like it more that I was able to get her fired like I wanted. :l I let it go the first few times, till I got sick at least, as maybe she forgot to take her medication or something at one point but gog damn.
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:30 GMT
Reply by Fallen Shade Nov 23 2010 03:40 GMT
Sup, GM
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 03:47 GMT

Oh just being a useless piece of shit while living off the cynical and narcissist atmosphere of my own envisioning while attempting to still milk confidence out of a batshit psycho-intellectual mindset thats slowly decomposing into an overall apathy for everything that I once cared for, you know just growing up.

Reply by Fallen Shade Nov 23 2010 04:04 GMT

replying to this thread

also hi im the new guy

Reply by mariooooo Nov 23 2010 04:05 GMT
@GM: sounds coo'
@Mariodude: Ah, cool nice to meetcha
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 04:23 GMT

Sod off, i'm newer than you. I'm so new i still have no idea what any of you are talking about most of the time. So, yeah, hi.

Reply by Doopliss Nov 23 2010 05:52 GMT
Ohey DP.
I don't think I have any teachers that extreme, but we are gonna lose my A-Level Computing teacher at Christmas (leaving us with only one ICT teacher where we used to have three in the school).
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 07:13 GMT

Which IRC network? I hang around SorceryNet, DynastyNet, GlobalGamers, synIRC, Veekun, GameSurge, and EsperNet.

In terms of RPs, I'm in an age ol' Super Smash Quest that has nothing to do with Smash anymore, a general-purpose Nintendo RPG that I'm "the only Kirby they could ever imagine", and an in-testing-stages Iji RPG.

Reply by Linkshot Nov 23 2010 11:41 GMT
Hi Doopliss
@ GP: Oooh. Yeah my really strict Java Teacher is retiring this semester. but he was hard.
@Linkshot: I'm normally on Rizon or Skaia on a seperate MSPA rooms and all. It's mostly people that go on the Off Topic Role Playing topic in the forums there and go on formspring
Reply by Dark Prognosticus Nov 23 2010 20:57 GMT

Ugh Rizon I can't stand that place. It's breeding grounds for teenage pregnancy.

Reply by Linkshot Nov 23 2010 23:35 GMT
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