is op as shit.
We had the game just about wrapped up. The only people we had to worry about was Trynd and Anivia.
That was at about 30 minutes, It turns out someone kept feeding trynd and he bought like 4 blood thirsters and some other things.
He could do 1k damage in one hit, it was *crag*ing terrible.
The match was dragged to about an hour long, In those 30 minutes I died a lot, and it wasn't just me, it was others. We all died so many goddamn times; We almost had their last turret down. ALMOST, but trynd ended up coming down every single time. That and heimer kept leaving turrets down, but we were all busy with trynd to take them down.
I wouldn't be bothered because he actually had little amount of HP, but his endless rages made him impossible to take down because he would get more and more hp from the blood thirsters.
Thus I have a new hatred of trynd.
Hmm, for Trynd.... Trynd counters, Trynd counters...
Wait a bit, Ignite him after he pops his ult. Give it a second or two. You could also try buying a Randuin's Omen for the slow, but Ignite works best. You, being Morde, have both your ult AND ignite, which are both excellent for killing him after he uses his ult
Ignite drops healing too, remember that.
He did buy an infinity edge.
I did, but as I mentioned; Anivia was giving us hell too.
Abyssal Scepter is an AMAZING choice for dealing with casters, especially since you are Morde