David O. Russell talks about his vision for the Uncharted movie
Posted by Joystiq Dec 01 2010 23:00 GMT in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
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We're gonna deliver this news quick, like the hasty removal of a Band-Aid: David O. Russell's Mark Wahlberg-fronted Uncharted film adaptation isn't off to an awesome start. After the Wahlberg confirmed his involvement last week, Russell spoke to the LA Times about his vision for the film, saying: "This idea really turns me on that there's a family that's a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities ... [a family] that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice ... We'll have the family dynamic, which we've done in a couple of movies now. And then you take that and put it on the bigger, more muscular stage of an international action picture, but also put all the character stuff in it. That's a really cool idea to me.". Russell added that the pace at which the film's development is moving along is "a locomotive," and that he's already penned about half of the script. Meaning there's plenty of time to just like, sit back, spend some time with the two already very movie-like Uncharted games, and just like, reevaluate some stuff. Specifically, all of that stuff you said right there, about a family that doles out justice to museum owners. That whole ... part. Everything. All of it.

As a fun experiment, we added some other, totally made-up quotes about other film projects Mr. Russell (O'Russell?) might be interested in. Join us!

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