Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Dec 06 2010 06:04 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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I can't tell if I should be angry or I should be glad that something like this exists
Reply by Fallen Shade Dec 06 2010 06:07 GMT

OK just read a few threads, this shit is filled with over obsessive easily giddy mother*crag*ers, so I'd expect to read alot of shit you wished you didn't just read.

Reply by Fallen Shade Dec 06 2010 06:23 GMT
Why are we not raiding this.
Reply by Popple Dec 06 2010 07:38 GMT
Because most of us don't feel like raiding an imageboard for something that most of us enjoy reading despite it being filled with yaoi fangirl/fanboy fags who want to post life scarring fan-fiction and discuss which troll/kid they'd like to pair themselves up with.
Reply by Fallen Shade Dec 06 2010 13:27 GMT
But that's the point.
By killing them from the internet you make Home Stuck better.
Reply by Popple Dec 06 2010 13:33 GMT
Hmmm, this does seem convincing at the moment...I'll think about it.
Reply by Fallen Shade Dec 06 2010 13:39 GMT
i am interested about the ideas presented in this topic although i would probably just sit back and watch
Reply by Viddd Dec 06 2010 23:05 GMT


do people seriously fap to this

Reply by mariooooo Dec 06 2010 23:53 GMT

People have fapped and regularly fap to more ridiculous things than imaginary web-comic trolls getting blowjobs from a crazy blind bitch with a flavor for paint.

And in recent exciting news as the board manager of setting up dramatic board flooding shitstorms I've decided that raiding this horseshit may be somewhat interesting due to my ability to rapidupload alot of interesting content at an alarming rate, But other than that this is a really stupid *crag*ing idea considering that Homestuck has already plagued a good majority of discussion boards and social media sites and that attacking these assholes isn't going to change a god damn thing other than give us something to laugh at and look back on 4 months from now, and besides this probably isn't going to see the motivation needed for this to work properly anyways, just like every other raid idea that I don't personally come up with.

So unless 5 of  you motherfuckers would like to stand up and get the ball rolling, this shit isn't happening.

Reply by Fallen Shade Dec 07 2010 00:30 GMT
you're supposed to imagine the last line said in hank's voice
Reply by Viddd Dec 07 2010 00:48 GMT
Implying that any of our raids have accomplished something.
Reply by Popple Dec 07 2010 01:00 GMT
Theres normally some sort of taste of victory at the end though, and the part about accomplishing something was aimed towards your comment about ridding the internet of these people.
Reply by Fallen Shade Dec 07 2010 03:40 GMT
Pops we've accomplished plenty. Remember that Furry christian board? And how about those Naruto forums from years ago that we got permanently shut down?
That said, Flavio sees no good coming from raiding a chan.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Dec 07 2010 04:29 GMT
Those boards only went down for like a week, if that.
Reply by Popple Dec 07 2010 05:01 GMT

Reply by Tails Doll Dec 07 2010 08:04 GMT
I can't unsee it ):
Reply by Slim Dec 07 2010 11:19 GMT
why would someone draw this what the *crag*
Reply by Nastasia Dec 07 2010 21:02 GMT

this is now an mspa general pictures thread


these will make great tf2 sprays

Reply by mariooooo Dec 07 2010 21:13 GMT
That is horrifying
Reply by sims Dec 07 2010 21:26 GMT
I'm all aboard if you get it going, Loaf
Reply by Twytch Dec 07 2010 21:37 GMT


Reply by Arson Dec 07 2010 22:01 GMT

this is a goldmine for horrible things to masturbate to

Reply by mariooooo Dec 07 2010 23:20 GMT
Why would you admit that you masturbate to this?
Reply by Popple Dec 08 2010 00:53 GMT

i didn't, i was talking about other people

Reply by mariooooo Dec 08 2010 00:55 GMT
Reply by Popple Dec 08 2010 01:06 GMT
i don't find various colored nipples sexy
Reply by mariooooo Dec 08 2010 01:38 GMT
Then why are you being so defensive.
Reply by Popple Dec 08 2010 02:18 GMT
goddamn i should really word stuff properly
Reply by mariooooo Dec 08 2010 02:29 GMT
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