Runic hopeful Torchlight 2 will come to consoles
Posted by Joystiq Jan 07 2011 23:50 GMT in Torchlight
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Runic Games' long-sought goal to port Torchlight to consoles will come to fruition when the game is released on Xbox Live Arcade as part of Microsoft's "House Party" promotion, beginning in mid-February. Depending on its success on the platform, Runic could look to quickly port the sequel to consoles, too, following its launch on PC this spring.

"That will hopefully get to the consoles, as well," Runic CEO Max Schaefer told MTV Multiplayer. "Depending on how [Torchlight on XBLA] does ... we're excited to get Torchlight 2 onto consoles. Hopefully sooner than how long [Torchlight on XBLA] took. We've gone through the exercise, we know what it takes."

Additionally, Schaefer priced Torchlight on XBLA at 1200 Microsoft Points ($15), though a a representative for the studio later said that that price was not official. "It will be set by Microsoft, not Runic Games," said the representative, "and we cannot confirm it."

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