Kojima Productions recruiting more Metal Gear staff
Posted by Joystiq Jan 13 2011 21:00 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Rising
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Otacon: Snake! I was looking at Konami's website and saw that Kojima Productions is hiring staff to make the "next generation" of Metal Gear Solid.
Snake: Metal Gear!
Otacon: Right, Snake, people to work on the next generation of Metal Gear Solid games.
Snake: Next-generation special forces?!
Otacon: Well, I guess you could call them that. Konami is hiring designers, programmers and artists.
Snake: They're building an army!
Otacon: They could just need some additional staff to work on Metal Gear Solid: Rising, Snake. You remember, the one starring Raiden.
Snake: Raiden!
Otacon: ...
Snake: Otacon?!
Otacon: What is it, Snake?
Snake: Tell the story again about the time I drove a ... Metal Gear!
Codec: *click*

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