Namco Bandai teaser site suggests Tales of Graces F localization
Posted by Joystiq Jan 25 2011 22:57 GMT in Tales of Graces F
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Yesterday, Namco Bandai posted a link on Facebook to a series of glyphs on its company site. It turned out each glyph represented a letter, and with the puzzle solved a new site was spelled out: And that site has brought us the blurred image seen above, which bears a striking resemblance to the logo (posted after the break) for Tales of Graces F, the PS3 port of Tales of Graces. And the "Richard" in the URL could be a reference to the character of the same name, who appears both as a child and an adult in the game (which could sort of be considered "two Richards").

Even more conclusive evidence that Namco is doing the impossible and actually localizing a Tales game can be found after the break, in the form of the less blurred image that was initially posted on the teaser site, according to NeoGAF poster miladesn.

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