OnLive's flat-rate PlayPack plan is live for all, debuts with 38 games
Posted by Joystiq Feb 01 2011 14:00 GMT in BioShock
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After a couple of months in beta, OnLive's PlayPack plan, which offers unlimited access to a selection of titles on the service for $10 a month, has officially launched. Saying that "the meteoric growth of Netflix reflects the enormous consumer demand for flat-rate instant-play media," company CEO and founder Steve Perlman made no secret of the company's inspiration for PlayPack when commenting on its official debut.

OnLive hopes to grow the PlayPack selection with "premium, indie and classic games" on "a regular basis," with new additions being selected in part based on feedback from subscribers to the plan. The day one lineup of 38 games can be found after the break, and includes some titles that are entirely new to the service, most notably the original BioShock.

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