Alleged Dance Central 2 survey hints at potential feature list
Posted by Joystiq Feb 09 2011 02:00 GMT in Dance Central
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Pretty dark days over at Harmonix recently, but apparently the developer isn't letting the gloom get to its creativity. Kotaku says it has in its possession an email survey from Microsoft Games Studios containing a nice long list of possible features for Dance Central 2, the sequel that's been in "pre-production" since last year.

The suggestions run the gamut, from the ability to create custom dances and play as backup dancers -- or even singers! -- to more convenient features like the ability to replay certain sequences or get more specific feedback on your dancing. The survey is also said to mention a number of new game types, including a possible "fitness mode" and a number of online / offline multiplayer contests. Players may be able to connect socially, either through the game itself as Xbox Live Avatars or video silhouettes, or through social networks by sharing video and photos of their dancing.

If you've received the survey in question, drop us a line at and attach a screenshot of it. Doing so will have us dancing with gratitude!

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