Felicia Day to star in 'Dragon Age: Redemption' web series
Posted by Joystiq Feb 15 2011 13:25 GMT in Dragon Age 2
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Felicia Day, star of online comedy show The Guild, is writing and starring in a six-episode web series based on BioWare's ye olde fantasy franchise, Dragon Age. Set to debut later this year, the "Dragon Age: Redemption" plot follows Tallis, an elvish assassin in search of a rogue mage -- presumably one that's run afoul of Ferelden's controlling religious group, the Chantry.

"Tallis is headstrong, she fights dirty, and she has a really sarcastic sense of humor," Day says of her character. "I wanted to bring a modern sensibility to a fantasy character in a fantasy world." According to USA Today, the premeditated LARP-ing was filmed near Los Angeles in January, with Peter Winther (co-producer on Godzilla and The Patriot) as director and John Bartley, who worked on Wrong Turn and Lost, as cinematographer.

The show is also co-produced by Felicia Day, who says that her appreciation of gaming and of the Dragon Age franchise has empowered her efforts. "I put every single effort into making this something that gamers will be proud of. Even though we were constrained a lot as a Web series, none of the people who were involved took that as a constraint. They took that as a challenge."

Dragon Age isn't the only game to receive a promotional web series in recent memory -- the excellent "Bright Falls" series led into 2010's Alan Wake, and the upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot will be accompanied by a series of high-profile character vignettes later this year.

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