Greenocide: Hands-on With Orcs Must Die
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 25 2011 15:07 GMT in Orcs Must Die
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Dan has been out in Dallas seeing what Robot Entertainment (risen from the ashes of Ensemble) are up to. They’re up to Orcs Must Die, and Dan got to play it.

It’s so easy to stereotype people. For example, everyone is always saying John’s a terrible healer. But if you need someone to provide a sop for your spiritual wounds… then he’s only a mostly awful healer. And he never claimed to be a good healer. AND no-one else here is much better; Alec thinks a field dressing goes on a salad. Likewise, it would be easy to stereotype Robot Entertainment. One might assume that they, having only recently been Ensemble Studios (the erstwhile progenitors of Age of Empires), would love doing even more minutely-researched, accurate strategy games as soon as they shook off the dead hand of Microsoft. One, if I may take the liberty, is dead wrong. (more…)

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