PlayStation Move Ape Escape Hits This Summer
Posted by Giant Bomb Mar 11 2011 14:49 GMT in Playstation Move: Ape Escape
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Huge news for Ape Escape fans: that downloadable and PlayStation Move-supported next entry was lightly detailed and given a release window over on the official PS blog. PlayStation Move Ape Escape, as it’s been creatively dubbed, will hit PSN at some point later this summer, and it’ll ship with a total of 15 levels.

The core campaign appears to revolve around--get this--catching monkeys via the PS Move controller, which is transformed on-screen into an “an assortment of gadgets” that can scoop, swat, and target monkeys. The game will also host a number of mini-games with names that really don’t betray what they’ll have you do, though the promise of "wacky" seems apt judging from the last screen:

No word on price yet. Also, the post was careful to mention that PlayStation Move Ape Escape release window was only for the US, which makes sense since this is a localization of Ape Escape Fury! Fury!.     

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