Avalanche and Sega rolling out 'Renegade Ops' for PSN and XBLA
Posted by Joystiq Mar 30 2011 23:40 GMT in Renegade Ops
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Just Cause 2 developer Avalanche Studios joins the Generic Title Squad (home to recruits like Modern Combat: Domination, Conflict: Denied Ops and Sniper: Ghost Warrior) with its new downloadable game, Renegade Ops. The game itself sounds much more distinctive.

The Sega-published PSN/XBLA title, due this year, focuses on vehicular combat, with players taking control of a commando unit fighting to defeat the evil terrorist Madman Inferno. Playing online in groups of up to four, Renegade Op-eratives will have a variety of vehicles at their disposal, capable of attacks " from dispersing electromagnetic shock waves to the deployment of a huge Gatling gun armed to the teeth."

In the announcement of the game, Avalanche senior producer Andreas Thorsén said that "the IP is all about driving or flying around blowing stuff up while playing with your friends," which he calls "a dream-project" for the studio. May we suggest a title change to "Driving or Flying Around Blowing Stuff Up?" We think it sticks better.

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