Backbreaker: Vengeance tackles XBLA this summer
Posted by Joystiq Apr 14 2011 16:25 GMT in Backbreaker
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NaturalMotion officially unveiled what it was teasing earlier this week, and ... it's kind of confusing. Backbreaker: Vengeance uses the same subtitle as the company's recent iOS football game, but it is not the same game.

The new Backbreaker: Vengeance (who are these football players seeking vengeance against?) is an XBLA-exclusive, arcade-style game that "takes inspiration" from the first Backbreaker's "Tackle Alley" mode. That means one runner attempting to cross the field against various arrangements of pre-placed defenders.

Check out a trailer after the break -- especially if you're fond of body-crunching sounds. Actually, that advice also works in regards to buying the game this summer.

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