Portal 2 stuff ready for transport to you (not by portal, unfortunately)
Posted by Joystiq Apr 19 2011 17:30 GMT in Portal 2
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You pre-ordered a copy of Portal 2 from Amazon, then bought another one from Steam, and you paid $40 for the Potato Sack just to ensure you'd get the game ASAP. Maybe you also stood in line for a copy last night. Now that you have the game, it's becoming more difficult to find ways to give Valve your money.

Don't worry, though, you aren't being forced into financial responsibility just yet. Valve has added a dangerous amount of new Portal 2 merchandise to its online store, including: ten new t-shirts, a track jacket, a tank top, a hoodie, thirteen prints, and a pint glass for good measure (of one pint).

You're going to be so deep into debt with Valve that you'll have to seek extra work as a test subject.

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