Vote on Shoot Many Robots' prospective user-created designs
Posted by Joystiq Apr 27 2011 17:19 GMT in Shoot Many Robots
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Demiurge Studios asked fans to "Design Many Robots," and they've done just that, submitting potential designs for a new enemy robot to be added to an upcoming DLC expansion. Demiurge has now narrowed down the submissions from "many" to "five," and posted the five finalists for voting.

Browse through the finalists in our gallery, and decide whether "Chopter," "K.R.I.B.," "Trikey," "J0TN4R," or "Gnash Britches" would be the ideal robot to shoot. Then, head to Demiurge's site and vote for one robot. The winning designer won't just contribute to the game, but will get a trip to Boston "to help [Demiurge] bring their design to life!"

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