Toxic Avenger creator Lloyd Kaufman joins The Gunstringer cast
Posted by Joystiq May 02 2011 22:00 GMT in The Gunstringer
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Twisted Pixel Games enlisted the cooperation of a bunch of random Austin residents for The Gunstringer's crowd sequences, which show FMV scenes of applause between each level. For the role of the "distinguished journalist," though, Twisted Pixel brought in an unexpected ringer: Lloyd Kaufman, co-founder of Troma Entertainment and creator of that film company's most famous character, the Toxic Avenger.

"I really only had three pieces to work with," game director Bill Muehl said on the company's blog."Me being a fan, our company being an indie developer making games on our own terms, much like Troma, and the general concept that his participation would be a great fit for the game." He hoped the appeal of working with an indie kindred spirit would be stronger than the appeal of money.

The pitch worked, and Kaufman is now on board as an actor. "I figured, well it's been two decades since I gave the world The Toxic Crusaders, the best video game of the 20th century," he said, calling The Gunstringer "a true indie production with a crazy amount of personality."

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