PlayStation Network went down the same week as SOCOM 4 launched. Two weeks later, PSN has not come back online, meaning the service outage is affecting subsequent games with an online focus.
Bethesda Softworks and Splash Damage are launching the long-in-development, class-focused Brink on Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3 this week. Bethesda told me there have been no changes made to the game's rollout this week, and explained what PS3 buyers can do with their game in the meantime.
"Fortunately, Brink is a game that allows you to seamlessly move between all modes of gameplay: single-player, co-op, and multiplayer," said the company in a statement to me this morning. "So all the experience and unlocks you get while playing single-player will carry over to multiplayer once PSN is back up. So the good news is that PS3 fans can still enjoy the game and learn about the teamplay aspects, objectives, maps, the different roles, and continue to customize their character and unlock new items, and then take all of that with them as soon as multiplayer is available."
It's still unclear when any of PSN will be back offline. Sony had planned to restore part of it by the end of last week but that never happened. Sony has since said it expects full functionality by months-end.
Hopefully, anyway.
Brink comes bundled with AI-controlled bots. That'll have to be enough until PSN returns.
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