Watched Like A Hawk: Hawken Dev Diary
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 02 2011 10:08 GMT in Hawken
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Is there a game in development that looks prettier than mech combat title Hawken? Perhaps not, which is remarkable, seeing as this is an indie game being assembled by no more than ten guys. Go, ten guys! I might not be entirely sold on your game’s combat mechanics, but so long as you keep sticking apartment blocks in the sky I will love you.

After the jump you’ll find a developer diary talking about the team’s “design goals”. which rather plays down the game’s visuals to talk about the game proper. It’s a bit like going to dinner with a supermodel only for her to keep talking about how she doesn’t like regenerative health and so on. Which doesn’t sound so bad, actually. What am I whinging about?(more…)

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