Sad Trombone: Neither Metal Gear Solid: Rising Nor Kojima's Newest Game Will Appear at E3
Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 03 2011 01:30 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Rising
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We already knew that Hideo Kojima was planning to stay in Japan for this year's E3, and that such far-flung nonsense as a Metal Gear Solid 5 wouldn't make its debut at the show. Even still, hope still existed that perhaps, just maybe, Kojima Productions might give fans a new look-see at Metal Gear Solid: Rising, which hasn't really made its presence felt in what feels like forever. Plus, there's all that talk of a brand new, original title from the studio that we couldn't help but hope might get teased ever so slightly.

No whiny cyborgs at this year's E3! Unless someone is planning a Bulletstorm offshoot starring Ishi...

Well, scratch all of that. During the course of Konami's slightly-less-bizarre-than-usual pre-E3 press conference, Kojima made it emphatically known that neither Rising, nor any other Kojima joint, outside of the newly announced MGS and Zone of the Enders HD Collections, would be at E3 2011.

On the subject of Rising, Kojima was fairly tight-lipped, but did state that the game was still scheduled for a 2012 release, as originally planned. If we were to see any new media or information for the game in 2011, the next most likely place would be at this year's Tokyo Game Show.

Though any real info on Kojima's next upcoming project was unlikely to appear today, he did give a brief look at a new engine Kojima Productions has been developing in house, which his next title will use. Titled the Fox Engine, the new engine is designed for multiplatform compatibility. The tech demo is toward the end of the conference--which you can watch on Konami's website, or possibly another site if Konami's servers are still borked to hell--but it shows off some impressive lighting and environmental effects, and evidently will make developing simultaneously for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC a great deal easier.

While I have only minimal tolerance for Raiden and his shitbaggy shitbagness, I imagine a number of you out there are disappointed to hear nothing of Rising at this year's E3. What say you? Was this one of the games you were hoping to see most? Or are you sorta checked out on this one at this point?

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