img-start (Starts the image tags. Remove http and the colon, leaving the // behind.)
img-startwide (Starts image tags for images wider than tall. Again, remove http and the colon.)
Note: You can add big to the end of start (img-startbig and img-startbigwide) to make it larger.
img-end (Ends image tags.)
spoiler-start and spoiler-end (Starts and ends spoiler tags.)
strike-start and strike-end (Starts and ends strike-through tags.)
sbhjfont (Talk in big Comic Sans Ms. Type this before your sentence.)
bigfont (When yelling over the internet is cool. Type before your sentence, again.)
filter emotes
i'll add more to this later i guess
youtube-start //[YOUR URL HERE] youtube-end
You see this youtube URL right here?
That red segment is what you put in the [YOUR URL HERE] slot. Voila, you have a Youtube embed. Don't abuse the Youtube video feature; aka don't spam it.
You can also replace youtube-start with Youtube-musicstart for a music player.
Does this count?
Dimfish:Dimfish</b>: i'm a fag <font color="white">
just so i remember how to make non-breaking colons, and do this
you can now post as large and unsafe images that you want; under spoiler tags