'Cloud Storage' coming to Xbox Live, game saves and profile on the go
Posted by Joystiq Jun 06 2011 20:22 GMT in E3 2011
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Were you underwhelmed by Microsoft's Kinect-heavy press conference and the notable absence of any long-overdue Xbox Live infrastructure improvements? So were we!

Which is why the legitimately exciting post-conference announcement of "Cloud Storage for Game Saves and Live Profiles" is all the more confusing. Instead of a splashy stage presentation, the reveal was buried in a recap email from Xbox's Marc Whitten. "We are making it easier for you to sign into your Xbox Live account from any console at any time to access your game saves and full profile, including items such as Microsoft Points to make purchases, Achievements and friends," the email reads. "C loud storage will allow you to enjoy the same great Xbox Live gaming experience even when you're not in your own living room by giving you the option to store your 'game saves' securely in the Xbox Live cloud instead of on a portable memory unit or your console's hard drive."

That means no more clumsy "gamertag recovery" which we're pretty excited about. We have all sorts of other questions about this service - Is it for Gold members only? Does it save revisions of your save files or just one? Is there a limited number of console activations? Can multiple consoles be signed in at once? Is there a size limit? - and we'll try to get them answered as quickly as we can.
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