Nintendo E3 Press Conference live stream
Posted by Francis Jun 07 2011 14:53 GMT in Nintendo News
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Zelda stuff:

  • Links Awakening & OoT on 3DS
  • free Zelda Four Swords on DSi
  • Gold Wiimote w/ Skyward Sword.  free soundtrack to those who first register it.
  • More 25th anniversary stuff later this year.


  • Mario Kart - uses camera to show opponent's face
  • Super Mario 3D - looks like a simplified Galaxy
  • Kid Icars - 3vs3 multiplayer 
  • Luigi's Mansion 2

New console:

  • Wii U
  • Is backwards compatable with Wii games and controllers
  • has a large touch-screen motion controller
  • games can use TV and the controller screen, or some games can be played on just the controller
  • SMASH BROTHERS for both WIi U and 3DS

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Reply by MM Jun 07 2011 15:39 GMT
and once again, Nintendo dominates E3
Reply by Francis Jun 07 2011 17:31 GMT
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