You're free to play these free-to-play games through Steam
Posted by Joystiq Jun 14 2011 19:45 GMT in Spiral Knights
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The Steam service just launched a slate of five free-to-play games, available from its client like any other Steam offering. Spiral Knights, Forsaken Worlds, Champions Online: Free for All, Global Agenda: Free Agent, and Alliance of Valliant Arms are now available for download through Valve's service.

So why get these F2P clients from Steam instead of just downloading the versions that were previously released through their own websites? Well, for one thing, each game will offer exclusive in-game content to Steam players this week, starting tomorrow in Spiral Knights and ending Sunday in AVA. Furthermore, these games will all support Steam's existing microtransaction backend, making the purchase of in-game content as easy as the impulse-buy of TF2 items.

Bye, money!

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