The Reason We Haven't Heard About Child of Eden on PS3
Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago in Child of Eden
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Child of Eden's coming to PS3 in a few months, only because Q was tied up on Xbox 360.

There's been a surprising amount of silence about Child of Eden for PlayStation 3. The silence has lead some to speculate, as gamers will do without details, about whether Microsoft had paid for the silence.

"No money hats," joked Q Entertainment producer and former games writer James Mielke on the latest 8-4 Play podcast.

Rather, Mielke pointed out, Q Entertainment has a small team of roughly 30 people working on the project. With Child of Eden on Xbox 360 out the door, the studio's now working on PS3.

"We're doing everything in-house, we're not farming anything out," he said. "Now, we're working full-steam on the PS3 version. Despite the fact that the 360 was the lead SKU, the PS3 version is coming along very quickly."

As for whether the extra time will result in other features or Move support, Mielke was coy.

"There's nothing I can really say about it," he teased, "except that it will definitely be worth the couple months that people have to wait for the PS3 version to get finished. People with PS3s, people with nice TVs, people with all kinds of control's going to be really cool."

One could imagine Child of Eden in 3D would look pretty damn cool.

The hosts also asked about how several PS3 releases have come bundled with some older titles, thanks to the Blu-ray's extra storage capacity. What about Rez HD, which is only on Xbox 360?

"We get a lot of emails about that, and that may actually change in the future," he said. "There's nothing that we've actually started. But there's no reason that we're not doing a PS3 version, except that we only have a certain amount of resources."

Keep sending those emails. You can listen to the 8-4 Play podcast on their website. If you're interested in hearing more about gaming from Japan's point of view, it's worth checking out.

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