Life After Death
Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 23 2011 18:52 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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"I heard this story about a guy that got buried because everyone thought he was dead, but then it turned out he got bit by some sort of rare lizard that makes people seem like they're dead. When he woke up he was in the coffin and after a while he died for real. The weird part? That lizard wasn't even the kind that made people seem like they were dead after all! Holy shit! If that's not enough of a confirmation for you, I don't know what is."

~Morgan Freeman


From Through The Womhole with Morgan Freeman
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 23 2011 19:04 GMT
Perhaps the realest quote of all time
I cried
Reply by ©na Jun 23 2011 19:16 GMT
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