REVIEW: [GREAT!] Legae of legenz is good game 2.0!!!!
Posted by darkz Jul 06 2011 02:55 GMT in League of Legends
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i like this game

it is very good

i always play malzuhar because he is a magician and he can kill people a lot

i also play udeer because he can turn into a bear and kill people a lot

i also play twistid fat because he can teleport and kill people a lot

i also play nocturn because he can also teleport and kill people a lot but also because he is a manifestation of a nightmare who lives to terrify innocent people and kill people a lot

I used 2 play evelinn but she wuz broke by morello (more like GAYrello amirite???)
i used 2 also play twytch but he was also broke

panteon was good 2 but now not so much

zilean is good 2 but he's a terrorist and terrorists r bad

swain is cool he turns into a raven but hes like gay or something

nidalee is hot shes mai waifu!!!!!!

mordekaiser is op he never lose health!!!!!

all of the yorldes are gay i dont play them

shaco is knives or something

annie is diapers

mrs fortun confuses me is she pirate or cowboy

xin zhao kills too much

garen is link

katarina is his waifu

ashe has big boobiez

soraka is useless does no damage

janna is is naked put clothes on plz

gragas is also nakedbut janna is hot

fidolstix is a scarecrCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW

le blonk is weird shes like the lady from 101 dalmations but evil and when i try to kill theres two

ezreal is weird she does haruhi dance but she has male voice and her glove has powers

kayle is weird too he has a female voice and doesnt do much

taric is michal jackson but no dance

sona plays music and she looks like hatsune miku but with boobs not real good

warwick is annoying i try kill he heals and then he attacks and i cant attack and i die op pls nerf

galio is dargon he wuz powerfull but now does no damage

trundle has a poopstick and always bites me

vladimeer is my favorit champ he can heal and hide from bad people he is vampire

malfight is rock

maoki is tree

kassdin is like malzuhar but he teleports and does no damage but kills still

shen is ninja but not good ninja does no damage but never dies sometimes teleports he is also a doctor

akalee is his girfrend she does damage but always dies she is his assistant nurse

chogath is dinosaur always screams and get big

kogmall is his frend always throws up on me

amumu is like galio but cries too much dont use

jax is dook nookam

catelin has gun always big damage

irelia worst champ does no damage until peopol find out how to play now op

karthas always win press r everyone die

ugort is weird does damage but then nothing

sivir is dum champ does no damge do not use


there are many peopol in this game that u can use but the ones up here are da only good ones

every1 else is dumb do not use


there are 3 maps in this game


the first one is twistid treeline and it is very small

only good character to play on this map is jax


the second one is sumoners rift

it is very big

all characters good


the third is sumoners rift HALLOWEEN!!!!!!

it is very scary UH OH A GHOST POOPED OUT


this is my review of leage of legendz and i give leage of legendz 4 hardcores out of 2


ghosts poop out all of the maps sometimes it's spooky
Reply by Slim Jul 06 2011 02:56 GMT
9/5 that is my review
Reply by Slim Jul 06 2011 02:57 GMT
you make such good reviews darkz
Reply by mariooooo Jul 06 2011 03:08 GMT
Reply by Flar3 Jul 06 2011 03:11 GMT


Reply by darkz Jul 06 2011 09:04 GMT
twistid fat best champ
Reply by ©na Jul 06 2011 19:18 GMT

A poetic master peice

Reply by Super-Claus Jul 06 2011 19:49 GMT

i have updated my review pls read!!!!! rate cinco stars ok

Reply by darkz Jul 07 2011 17:02 GMT
ur part on shen is bad cuz shen was ninja who never die but riot nerf so he die sometimes but that is ok becus ninja not supposed to be extra tough but then riot make it so he cant kill so he terrible ninja
Reply by ©na Jul 07 2011 17:54 GMT
Reply by darkz Jul 12 2011 22:03 GMT
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