Uncharted Movie Nabs Director Behind The Illusionist, Fate of Marky Mark Unknown
Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 07 2011 22:31 GMT in Gaming News
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If you stare into the sun too long, Nathan, your movie enters into development hell.

Hope springs eternal for the legion of Uncharted fans hoping Nathan Fillion will have a shot at playing the role of Nathan Drake on the silver screen for Sony's troubled adaptation of Naughty Dog's series. I expect an Internet petition to start up any moment now, as I've heard Internet petitions have a great history of working!

The latest news comes from Variety, reporting that director Neil Burger (The Illusionist) and most recently the Bradley Cooper vehicle Limitless. It's unclear whether Burger will tackle the script, whose first draft was crafted by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer (Conan the Barbarian...and Dylan Dog: Dead of Night).

The flick quickly ran into fan trouble when Sony appointed David O. Russell (The Fighter) to adapt Drake, with Mark Wahlberg filling the title role. Russell's take on Uncharted sounded remarkably different from the direction of the games, making Drake part of a traveling family of treasure hunters. Fans revolted.

No word yet on whether Wahlberg will stay, but you can probably already guess what fans are hoping for.

Also, does anyone really think this will ever get made?

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