Ubisoft announces 'Uplay Passport' online pass for Driver: SF, future games
Posted by Joystiq Jul 15 2011 17:45 GMT in UPlay
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Ubisoft has confirmed Uplay Passport, its version of "online pass" or "Project Ten Dollar." The Uplay Passport, which will be implemented for the first time in Driver: San Francisco, is the standard multiplayer pass that will restrict online play to those who have redeemed a code in new copies of the game or purchased a code from the Xbox Marketplace or PSN. A new Uplay Passport, for those who pick up the game used, will cost $9.99.

Ubisoft mentioned it was looking into implementing the feature last year after EA's success. Driver will be the test drive, but don't expect it to be a revelation if the next Assassin's Creed has it too.

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