Well, we already knew full well that the first add-on content for Splash Damage’s bold team-based shooter Brink would be a freebie for a limited time, but what we didn’t know is when it would turn up. Of course, I’ve gone and ruined all the mystery by writing it in the headline, haven’t I? Man, I am an SEO expert’s worst nightmare. ‘Always ask a question if you want to soullessly farm traffic’, that’s the rule. Why don’t we do that? Why don’t we do it for every post? Why don’t you read on to find out? Or at least to find out what’s in Brink: Agents of Change? WHY DON’T YOU? WHY? DON’T YOU LOVE US? DON’T YOU WANT US TO HAVE PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS, HITS? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?(more…)