Zumba Fitness works it out for seventh week on UK chart
Posted by Joystiq Aug 01 2011 16:30 GMT in Zumba Fitness
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Zumba Fitness has now maintained seven consecutive weeks atop Chart-Track's UK all formats chart, with a 33 percent increase in sales this past week. One more week in the top spot and Zumba Fitness will have matched the first-place records held by the likes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Need for Speed: Underground 2.

Adding to the weirdness, Cars 2 sales doubled, placing it in second. The not-very-compelling Call of Juarez: The Cartel enjoyed third and, as if we should be surprised, Just Dance 2: Extra Songs sales increased 127 percent to place it into fourth.

We're going to go take a couple Advil to kill this cognitive dissonance. Check out the UK top ten after the break.

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