MotorStorm Apocalypse Monster Update: Mode Editor, Steering Wheels and Move
Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 11 2011 17:01 GMT in MotorStorm Apocalypse
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Hello, my fellow MotorStormers! The racing party at the end of the world recently introduced a hot new track and fresh Weekly Challenges for you to play. Now, I’m excited to be able to bring you news of another larger-than-life update, which will empower you to create, share and get much more out of your action racing experience than ever before.

To get this latest update, simply fire up MotorStorm Apocalypse while connected to PSN and you’ll be prompted to download the update.

Design Your Own Game Modes

The new Mode Editor allows you to create your own fun game modes within the MotorStorm template and then play them straight away with other players (online and offline).

The possibilities are vast: Tweak the standard Race mode so that vehicle attacks are disabled…or set-up a five-round Eliminator mode, on mirrored tracks, for 15 Monster Trucks and 1 Buggy, with moon gravity, infinite boost and no brakes…or do something completely unexpected – we can’t wait to see what you come up with!


Share Your Customized Vehicle

Customize and share your proudest vehicle designs with your friends via, and download any that you like the look of from the website to apply to any of the vehicles in your collection – they automatically work across all vehicle types.

Sharing your personalized vehicles is simple: upload them from MotorStorm Apocalypse to your personal Profile area on and other players can view them immediately. Downloading shared vehicles from other players is just as easy: find one you like the look of on, sign in with your PSN Online ID and download it – it will be waiting for you when you next go into Customization in the game!

Up Your Game With a PS3 Steering Wheel or PlayStation Move

PlayStation Move controllers and certain PS3 steering wheels are now fully supported in MotorStorm Apocalypse (including customizable configurability options), so you can get even closer to the racing action with a more tactile and realistic control set-up.

I’ve been lucky enough to experience the game using a Logitech G27 force feedback wheel, on a 3DTV with surround sound set-up, and I can honestly say it’s the most exhilarating gaming experience I’ve ever had. Pumping the accelerator and gripping the wheel as you drift your muscle car through a tight city corner at break neck speeds feels incredible, and when an apocalyptic earthquake aftershocks kick in and tears open the ground beneath your wheels – while you’re trying to avoid gangs of crazy looters and rivals throwing their weight around in monster trucks – it ups the ante even more. If you can, you absolutely must experience MotorStorm Apocalypse like this. Words just don’t do it justice.

Supported steering wheels include: Logitech G25, Logitech G27, Logitech Driving Force GT and Logitech Driving Force Pro.

Further Improvements to Online Play

In response to continued feedback from MotorStorm players, the update also includes additions and improvements such as; new racer ‘clan tags’, changes to gambling (bets are now won when a rival is disconnected or disqualified), and changes to lobby privacy (so that private rooms can only be joined by invitation).

Stay Up to Speed With MotorStorm Wherever You Are

The community website has also been updated to include player profiles which show off player activity, stats, performance over the last 10 races and shared vehicle designs. The update also includes a mobile version of the website which lets you use an internet enabled mobile device to keep up to speed with the latest MotorStorm activity (and your friends) wherever you are.

There’s a lot here to keep you rocking the party at the end of the world! If you’d like to keep up with the latest on Apocalypse, or learn more about the game, make sure to keep tabs on Thanks for your time – Cheers!

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