Just got back from collecting my AS exam results.
Posted by Gold Prognosticus Aug 18 2011 09:56 GMT in Gold Prognosticus
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  • Computing: B (Unit 1: A, Unit 2: C)
  • Maths: B (Core 2: A, Stats: C)
  • English: B (Unit 1: A, Stats: C)
  • Physics: C (Electrons waves and photons: C, Practical: E)

I'm planning on querying some of those Cs (I distinctly remember having no problems on at least the computing exams), as well as the Physics Practical.


is the grading scale the same over there? because if an E means the same thing as here then you totally failed that practical
how did you manage that
Reply by Nastasia Aug 18 2011 23:31 GMT
here an F is failing and an E is barely passing,but if you get an E on highschool level or higher courses you don't get the credit for them
Reply by Super-Claus Aug 19 2011 00:21 GMT
an E is failing
Fs are like pre high school shit
Reply by Nastasia Aug 19 2011 01:18 GMT
A full failure is U/Unmarked, but E is still pretty bad. No clue how it happened, and no clue how I still managed to get a C overall in Physics.
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Aug 19 2011 09:40 GMT
F is failing, D is getting credit and C is passing
Reply by DarkBlueAce Aug 19 2011 16:45 GMT
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