We want to marry this Portal 2 proposal
Posted by Joystiq Aug 23 2011 01:30 GMT in Portal 2
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It's hard to imagine there are still people out there cramming engagement rings into dinner rolls in the hopes that future Mrs. Boring can open it at dinner and agree to a life full of carefully planned monotony. There are people out there doing that right this very moment.

But see, then there are people out there setting the bar in the most fantastic ways. One such individual is Gary Hudston, who proposed to his now-fiance Stephanie by commissioning a series of custom Portal 2 levels. On top of that, he even got Ellen Mclain, the voice of GLaDOS herself, to pitch in some custom audio. Truly, he worked hard to unlock that "Got Engaged" achievement.

We just wish we could've seen Stephanie react to the whole thing, if only to see what deserves so much effort and love -- not that it's that big a deal to us. We're a pretty cool blog with lots of prospects. In fact, just the other day somebody proposed to us via a custom Doom 3 level? Yeah, you're totally jealous, aren't you?

Of course you are.

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