No Force Flailing in 2011, As Microsoft Delays Star Wars Kinect
Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 24 2011 18:18 GMT in Kinect: Star Wars
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"Lightsaber on!" jokes aside, Kinect Star Wars should be really cool. The Star Wars universe was friggin' made for a near-magical technology like Kinect, making the lukewarm impressions from E3 and Gamescom all the more disheartening.

It appears Microsoft and Terminal Reality have come to realize the game could use some more work, too, telling OXM (and then confirmed by me) that Kinect Star Wars will no longer be released this year.

"Microsoft and LucasArts have elected to move the launch of Kinect Star Wars beyond holiday 2011 to ensure the full potential of this title is realized," said the company in a statement. "We will communicate additional timing information at a later date."

Perhaps more distressing, the R2D2-themed Xbox 360 has also been delayed.

[insert Star Wars joke about a million voices dying out or something]

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