Quantum Conundrum preview: Inter-dimensional charm
Posted by Joystiq Aug 26 2011 21:30 GMT in Square Enix
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Recent Airtight Games convert Kim Swift's new downloadable title Quantum Conundrum is just about as charming as charming can be. You probably could have guessed that based on Swift's notably Portal-infused background, not to mention the pitch-perfect cartoonish design aesthetic which pervades the manor home in which the game is set. But you really have to see its dimension-shifting action in ... action to fully understand it.

The pitch is this: Using an "Inter-dimensional Shift Device," a young boy must traverse the sprawling mansion of his mad scientist uncle, Dr. Fitz Quadwrangle, to discover said relative's whereabouts. The device in question allows the user to shift each of the puzzle-filled rooms between four dimensions to achieve goals, changing the properties of each of the objects contained therein. It's a lot less complicated once you see it in action, until it gets a whole lot more complicated.

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