Wot You Think: Space Marine
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 06 2011 13:52 GMT in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
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Relic’s orkshoot came out today for people who happen to live in North America, but a mysterious and intractably evil force is preventing exactly the same collection of ones and zeroes from unlocking on PCs in other parts of the world. We’re not expecting Space Marine review code ourselves until a bit later this week – instead of being allowed access to the version already live across the pond – and, mysteriously and worryingly, no American reviews have been posted yet. Hmm. So, in the hope of offering some kind of buyer’s advice for folk the world over, let’s hear what you reckon to the stompy-stompy adventures of Ian Ultramarine.

Early forum reports I’ve been reading are suggesting it’s fun but extremely and sometimes annoyingly repetitive – an allegation which would be sad and strange given the game’s long gestation, but presumably no-one’s that far through it yet. Anyone able to confirm or deny these suggestions?

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