Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq Jan 13 2013 20:00 GMT
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The Tantalizing THQ Medley on Amazon includes downloads of Metro 2033, Homefront, Red Faction Armageddon, Red Faction Guerrilla, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, all for $12. Regularly priced, this bundle comes out to $118, so that's a savings of 91 percent. Buying all six games is cheaper than getting one by itself, so if you're in the market for any of these, it's your lucky day.

Actually, it's your lucky days: The Tantalizing THQ Medley will be on sale through January 20 as Amazon's Deal of the Week.

Posted by Valve Nov 24 2011 17:50 GMT
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Updates to Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Reduced the number of starting grenades from 2 to 1 (with the Favor of the Armory perk, players start with 2)
- Players are able to pick up grenade drops, to a maximum of 2 (or 4 with perk)
- Added to the existing cooldown between throwing grenades

Plasma Cannon
- Reduced starting ammo from 200 to 100 (with the Ammunition Stores perk, you start with 200)
- Charged Shot costs 25 instead of 40 (to reflect the starting ammo change)
- After Overheating, the Plasma Cannon cools down a bit slower (venting cool rate is unchanged, however)

Larraman's Blessing
- In addition to increasing health recharge rate, you now start regenerating health a little bit sooner

- Added more scatter to shots unscoped while moving

Final Vengeance
- Increased the delay before Final Vengeance explodes

Posted by Valve Oct 26 2011 00:01 GMT
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Space Marines Exterminatus mode is Now Available!

Exterminatus mode pits an elite squad of four Space Marines against hordes of alien enemies in a score based fight to the death. Players can choose the Tactical Marine, Devastator or Assault Marine as well as utilizing any weapons and perks available to those classes.

Each of Exterminatus Modes scenarios, Assault on Hab Center Andreas and Escape From Kalkys Facility, feature global leader boards challenging players to better their scores by completing dynamic challenges as well as utilizing score modifiers which increase game difficulty in exchange for additional points.

Experience earned while playing this mode counts towards the games multiplayer ranks, allowing players to earn progression in both Co-Op and multiplayer.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 14 2011 13:52 GMT
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Speaking to Joystiq, THQ bossman Danny Bilson wasn’t lending support to the idea of a Space Marine sequel, preferring to emphasize upcoming MMO, Dark Millennium. He said: “We’ve already announced the Imperium in the MMO as a class you can play… and if you combine that it’s very active, as opposed to the more turn-based stuff. I’m not sure there’s room for Space Marine.”

Oddly, this awkward statement lends a bit of credibility to yesterday’s “leak”, which THQ later dismissed as “pure speculation”. It might well have been speculation, but it does sound like some of it is on the mark, and it’s not like they’ve not had some big info leaks before. Might be interesting to look back, come 2013…

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 07 2011 11:46 GMT
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Relic’s mildly disappointing orc-eviscerating game Space Marine is getting a 4-player co-op mode later this month, with THQ dating the roll out of the free upgrade for the 25th. It’s called EXTERMINATUS. Which, quite coincidentally, is my middle name. There will be two scenarios in this mini-expansion, in which you can play as tactical marines, heavy-weaponised devastators or whoosh-bam marines. You’ll be fighting orcs and chaos, according to EG.

Nor will this be the end of DLC for the game, say Relic, with paid and free additions to come.

Posted by IGN Oct 07 2011 10:53 GMT
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Eurogamer has revealed that the Exterminus DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine will be released on Tuesday, 25th October...

Posted by IGN Oct 03 2011 01:50 GMT
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Relic's Warhammer 40K Space Marine is an incredibly fun game set within a great universe. It has a wonderful blend of tight shooting mechanics and chunky-yet-graceful melee combat that really makes for some visceral and satisfying carnage. It also helps that its campaign is nicely paced and involves inter-planetary war on a massive scale...

Posted by Valve Sep 23 2011 23:05 GMT
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Updates to Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Fixed an exploit where the player can move at high speeds when switching weapons with the Weapons Versatility perk equipped during multiplayer.

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 14 2011 20:00 GMT
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3 out of 5

This ork is very surprised about what is happening to his stomach.

Has any modern franchise had its core creative ideas as repeatedly ripped off as Warhammer 40K? The bleak, vicious world of the future portrayed by the popular tabletop game--where a hyper-advanced humanity fends off total annihilation from all sides thanks to an all-powerful immortal emperor and his legions of devoted, fearless, power-armored disciples--seems ideal for video game adaptation, regardless of genre. The setting was so appealing, in fact, that other game developers were happy to rip off elements of that setting for their games. Whether the universe’s various armies were lifted directly, or the weapons that defined that universe were merely borrowed as an “homage,” 40K has been plundered by other developers while Games Workshop struggled to properly get its universe out there.

Now, developer Relic--who had great success adapting Warhammer 40K in the Dawn of War series--brings the franchise to consoles as a third-person shooter, a genre already teeming with games that sort of look like they're set in the 40K universe. But Space Marine wisely carves out its own unique take on the genre, trading traditional cover-based antics for a balanced mix of satisfying shooting and brutal, effective melee combat. It’s not as interesting a representation of the 40K universe as the Dawn of War games, but Space Marine’s satisfying combat--at range and up close--makes the game stand out.

The titular Space Marine in this game is Ultramarine Captain Titus, member of the Emperor's personal chapter of armor-clad zealots. When one of humanity’s massive forge worlds comes under an invasion of the greenskined orks, Captain Titus and two other chapter members are deployed to hold the planet before the main force arrives on the planet. Upon landing, Titus must turn the tide of the orkish horde and will discover that there are more chaotic forces on the planet than anyone initially expected.

Slamming down on an Orkish horde from the sky is one of Space Marine's primary joys.

Having a ground-level view of Warhammer 40K’s most iconic forces is the real appeal of Space Marine, and it’s on that front that the game delivers with its unique twist on standard shooter tropes. Relic’s savage game asserts that a centuries-old battle hardened super warrior wearing a suit of hyper-advanced and resilient power armor doesn’t really need to concern himself so much with taking cover. As such, Space Marine’s ruthless combat is an up-close and personal affair. Titus comes to battle with the same kind of defenses as Master Chief, a layer of shields protecting a health bar. The shield bar regenerates as you might expect from a modern shooter, but no mere health pack will repair your critical line of defense. Instead, Captain Titus can only regain health by getting in close to his orkish enemies, stunning them and then promptly executing them in some vicious, savage, and awesome way. It’s not the most natural game mechanic, but it forces you to stay closer to your enemies than you would normally get in modern third-person shooters, and it leads to that incredibly satisfying moment when, to save yourself from death, you charge directly into the enemy ranks and begin hacking them to death with chainswords and warhammers. It’s exactly the kind of ridiculous gameplay design that shows how badass the Space Marines are, charging directly into the enemy even at their most dire moments.

Of course, that particular design mechanic wouldn’t matter if the core gameplay didn’t measure up, and Space Marine’s wide arsenal of satisfying weapons sell the action. The default Bolter rifle that forms the core of Titus’ gear is an incredibly satisfying machine gun, good at all ranges and perfect for closing the distance between ranged battes and melee masacres. The rest of 40K’s weaponry also makes the transition to a shooter well. From Lascannon sniper shots that obliterate multiple enemies, to the room-clearing Melta gun sweeps, to the satsifying explosive energy shots of the Heavy Plasma gun, Space Marine’s assortment of weapons (and the frequency with which new weapons are introduced) insures that you have multiple ways to clear out the orkish army. Of course, the real star of Space Marine is the melee weapons which slice apart multiple enemies with a single swing and allow you to execute enemies with some great animations. The melee combat may be a little simplistic (you won’t confuse it for modern character-action games) but it works surprising well as a compliment to the shooting action you’d expect from the genre. The melee and shooting form a fresh combination that helps to underscore why the Space Marines represent the Forge World’s (and humanity’s) best chance against the enemy.

The three multiplayer classes work well in supporting each other.

Space Marine also allows players the opportunity to get hands-on time on the classic weapons and gear of the 40K universe. Relic’s Dawn of War also faithfully recreated the minutiae of the tabletop game, but that memorable equipment and those classic enemies have never been rendered in more detail than they are in Space Marine. You’ll see (and murder) lovingly detailed Shoota and Slugga Boyz, Squibs and (eventually) Daemons and Chaos Marines as you travel through the skull-strewn gothic stonework that typifies the world of Warhammer 40K. The equipment and environments help to make the world feel consistent and, consequently, seem real and fleshed out.

It’s just too bad that the game’s actual story does nothing to invest you in the game world. Titus’ battle to save the Forge World is mostly cliched, and filled with basic, boring characters. The Dawn of War games do an awesome job of portraying the Space Marines' fanatical devotion to their god-Like Emperor and the extremes to which they’ll go in order to protect humanity and stop the spread of chaos, even if it means eradicating all life on a planet. The Marines are zealots whose devotion is unwavering and who will happily execute a fellow human soldier rather than allow their cowardice. Captain Titus, on the other hand, is a bland straight arrow of a leader, a politically correct Space Marine who too often displays the kind of basic kindness and understanding that the 40K universe avoids. His only real attributes are his devotion to his mission and his ruthless competency. The rest of the game's cast includes Obvious Rookie Who Plays By The Book, Obvious Grizzled Veteran, and Obvious Betrayer, all of whom are called to protect a Maguffin that, in the wrong hands, could destroy the planet or potentially unmake reality. Worst of all, the game directly plays into the object’s role as a Maguffin; the second Titus hands said object to someone else in the story, that character is immediately killed off to keep the plot going. It’s a little disappointing, especially in the wake of Relic’s other games in the franchise, to see such a simple premise for the game, but the core action is still interesting and satisfying enough to make up for the weak story.

In addition to the game’s six-to-eight-hour campaign, Space Marine offers a multiplayer mode that is far more traditional in scope and content than its single player campaign. The balance between melee combat and ranged attacks is still present, but the focus on that gameplay structure is lessened in favor of class-based gameplay. Players can choose to play as normal or Chaos Space Marine versions of the standard, rifle-bearing tactical marine, the slower, heavy weapon-bearing devastators, and the jet pack equipped, melee-focused assault marines. By dividing and segmenting potential combat roles by class and focusing combat on much smaller groups of enemies, Space Marine loses many of the unique gameplay scenarios that make the single-player game so interesting.

Every day is a chainsword party when you're a Space Marine!

That’s not to say the multiplayer isn’t fun, however. All of the single-player weapons make their way online and are still fun to use. In particular, the assault Marine--with his jump jet pack and devastating ground-slam attacks-- is a total blast to play, as he can traverse the entire map with ease and charge directly into enemies. There are only two game modes in Space Marine--Capture the Point and Team Deathmatch-- but both modes work in favor of the class-based structure of the game. And in keeping with the game’s miniature origins, you can customize your marines online with a variety of paint schemes, armor parts, and emblems. The opportunity to hack a Chaos Marine to death as a pink Space Marine is still worth checking out, even if the multiplayer doesn’t always play to the game’s strengths.

Unfortunately, that multiplayer fun is dependent on being able to join a multiplayer game, a simple request that the PS3 version of Space Marine cannot fulfill. Space Marine suffers from some of the slowest matchmaking I have ever seen in a console game, with wait times as long as 20 to 40 minutes to get into a single game. This is made worse by the fact that Space Marine doesn’t kick inactive players from games. I left Space Marine running for two hours unattended, and I still found myself in no multiplayer matches. No matter how far and wide you cast your NAT, you’re probably not going to get multiplayer games any faster. The PC had similar matchmaking problems but was fixed on Relic's end, while the Xbox 360 version's matchmaking works as intended. As a result, the PS3 version is handily the worst version of the three, and although Relic is trying to rush a patch out, you should consider other platforms at the moment if you want to mix it up online.

Still, the core single-player remains unaffected by those online issues, and it’s the real meat of Space Marine. By looking to its own fiction for inspiration, Relic has crafted a fun, exciting shooter that effectively differentiates itself from other games in the genre. Warhammer fans in particular will relish the opportunity to play with the universe’s arsenal, but even non-fans looking for a fun shooter could enjoy Space Marine’s savagery and unique take on the formula. Space Marine isn’t the most substantial release, but it’s a violent ride that proves there is fun to be had by ridding the galaxy of any and all Xenos.

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 14 2011 20:00 GMT
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4 out of 5

This ork is very surprised about what is happening to his stomach.

Has any modern franchise had its core creative ideas as repeatedly ripped off as Warhammer 40K? The bleak, vicious world of the future portrayed by the popular tabletop game--where a hyper-advanced humanity fends off total annihilation from all sides thanks to an all-powerful immortal emperor and his legions of devoted, fearless, power-armored disciples--seems ideal for video game adaptation, regardless of genre. The setting was so appealing, in fact, that other game developers were happy to rip off elements of that setting for their games. Whether the universe’s various armies were lifted directly, or the weapons that defined that universe were merely borrowed as an “homage,” 40K has been plundered by other developers while Games Workshop struggled to properly get its universe out there.

Now, developer Relic--who had great success adapting Warhammer 40K in the Dawn of War series--brings the franchise to consoles as a third-person shooter, a genre already teeming with games that sort of look like they're set in the 40K universe. But Space Marine wisely carves out its own unique take on the genre, trading traditional cover-based antics for a balanced mix of satisfying shooting and brutal, effective melee combat. It’s not as interesting a representation of the 40K universe as the Dawn of War games, but Space Marine’s satisfying combat--at range and up close--makes the game stand out.

The titular Space Marine in this game is Ultramarine Captain Titus, member of the Emperor's personal chapter of armor-clad zealots. When one of humanity’s massive forge worlds comes under an invasion of the greenskined orks, Captain Titus and two other chapter members are deployed to hold the planet before the main force arrives on the planet. Upon landing, Titus must turn the tide of the orkish horde and will discover that there are more chaotic forces on the planet than anyone initially expected.

Slamming down on an Orkish horde from the sky is one of Space Marine's primary joys.

Having a ground-level view of Warhammer 40K’s most iconic forces is the real appeal of Space Marine, and it’s on that front that the game delivers with its unique twist on standard shooter tropes. Relic’s savage game asserts that a centuries-old battle hardened super warrior wearing a suit of hyper-advanced and resilient power armor doesn’t really need to concern himself so much with taking cover. As such, Space Marine’s ruthless combat is an up-close and personal affair. Titus comes to battle with the same kind of defenses as Master Chief, a layer of shields protecting a health bar. The shield bar regenerates as you might expect from a modern shooter, but no mere health pack will repair your critical line of defense. Instead, Captain Titus can only regain health by getting in close to his orkish enemies, stunning them and then promptly executing them in some vicious, savage, and awesome way. It’s not the most natural game mechanic, but it forces you to stay closer to your enemies than you would normally get in modern third-person shooters, and it leads to that incredibly satisfying moment when, to save yourself from death, you charge directly into the enemy ranks and begin hacking them to death with chainswords and warhammers. It’s exactly the kind of ridiculous gameplay design that shows how badass the Space Marines are, charging directly into the enemy even at their most dire moments.

Of course, that particular design mechanic wouldn’t matter if the core gameplay didn’t measure up, and Space Marine’s wide arsenal of satisfying weapons sell the action. The default Bolter rifle that forms the core of Titus’ gear is an incredibly satisfying machine gun, good at all ranges and perfect for closing the distance between ranged battes and melee masacres. The rest of 40K’s weaponry also makes the transition to a shooter well. From Lascannon sniper shots that obliterate multiple enemies, to the room-clearing Melta gun sweeps, to the satsifying explosive energy shots of the Heavy Plasma gun, Space Marine’s assortment of weapons (and the frequency with which new weapons are introduced) insures that you have multiple ways to clear out the orkish army. Of course, the real star of Space Marine is the melee weapons which slice apart multiple enemies with a single swing and allow you to execute enemies with some great animations. The melee combat may be a little simplistic (you won’t confuse it for modern character-action games) but it works surprising well as a compliment to the shooting action you’d expect from the genre. The melee and shooting form a fresh combination that helps to underscore why the Space Marines represent the Forge World’s (and humanity’s) best chance against the enemy.

The three multiplayer classes work well in supporting each other.

Space Marine also allows players the opportunity to get hands-on time on the classic weapons and gear of the 40K universe. Relic’s Dawn of War also faithfully recreated the minutiae of the tabletop game, but that memorable equipment and those classic enemies have never been rendered in more detail than they are in Space Marine. You’ll see (and murder) lovingly detailed Shoota and Slugga Boyz, Squibs and (eventually) Daemons and Chaos Marines as you travel through the skull-strewn gothic stonework that typifies the world of Warhammer 40K. The equipment and environments help to make the world feel consistent and, consequently, seem real and fleshed out.

It’s just too bad that the game’s actual story does nothing to invest you in the game world. Titus’ battle to save the Forge World is mostly cliched, and filled with basic, boring characters. The Dawn of War games do an awesome job of portraying the Space Marines' fanatical devotion to their god-Like Emperor and the extremes to which they’ll go in order to protect humanity and stop the spread of chaos, even if it means eradicating all life on a planet. The Marines are zealots whose devotion is unwavering and who will happily execute a fellow human soldier rather than allow their cowardice. Captain Titus, on the other hand, is a bland straight arrow of a leader, a politically correct Space Marine who too often displays the kind of basic kindness and understanding that the 40K universe avoids. His only real attributes are his devotion to his mission and his ruthless competency. The rest of the game's cast includes Obvious Rookie Who Plays By The Book, Obvious Grizzled Veteran, and Obvious Betrayer, all of whom are called to protect a Maguffin that, in the wrong hands, could destroy the planet or potentially unmake reality. Worst of all, the game directly plays into the object’s role as a Maguffin; the second Titus hands said object to someone else in the story, that character is immediately killed off to keep the plot going. It’s a little disappointing, especially in the wake of Relic’s other games in the franchise, to see such a simple premise for the game, but the core action is still interesting and satisfying enough to make up for the weak story.

In addition to the game’s six-to-eight-hour campaign, Space Marine offers a multiplayer mode that is far more traditional in scope and content than its single player campaign. The balance between melee combat and ranged attacks is still present, but the focus on that gameplay structure is lessened in favor of class-based gameplay. Players can choose to play as normal or Chaos Space Marine versions of the standard, rifle-bearing tactical marine, the slower, heavy weapon-bearing devastators, and the jet pack equipped, melee-focused assault marines. By dividing and segmenting potential combat roles by class and focusing combat on much smaller groups of enemies, Space Marine loses many of the unique gameplay scenarios that make the single-player game so interesting.

Every day is a chainsword party when you're a Space Marine!

That’s not to say the multiplayer isn’t fun, however. All of the single-player weapons make their way online and are still fun to use. In particular, the assault Marine--with his jump jet pack and devastating ground-slam attacks-- is a total blast to play, as he can traverse the entire map with ease and charge directly into enemies. There are only two game modes in Space Marine--Capture the Point and Team Deathmatch-- but both modes work in favor of the class-based structure of the game. And in keeping with the game’s miniature origins, you can customize your marines online with a variety of paint schemes, armor parts, and emblems. The opportunity to hack a Chaos Marine to death as a pink Space Marine is still worth checking out, even if the multiplayer doesn’t always play to the game’s strengths.

Unfortunately, that multiplayer fun is dependent on being able to join a multiplayer game, a simple request that the PS3 version of Space Marine cannot fulfill. Space Marine suffers from some of the slowest matchmaking I have ever seen in a console game, with wait times as long as 20 to 40 minutes to get into a single game. This is made worse by the fact that Space Marine doesn’t kick inactive players from games. I left Space Marine running for two hours unattended, and I still found myself in no multiplayer matches. No matter how far and wide you cast your NAT, you’re probably not going to get multiplayer games any faster. The PC had similar matchmaking problems but was fixed on Relic's end, while the Xbox 360 version's matchmaking works as intended. As a result, the PS3 version is handily the worst version of the three, and although Relic is trying to rush a patch out, you should consider other platforms at the moment if you want to mix it up online.

Still, the core single-player remains unaffected by those online issues, and it’s the real meat of Space Marine. By looking to its own fiction for inspiration, Relic has crafted a fun, exciting shooter that effectively differentiates itself from other games in the genre. Warhammer fans in particular will relish the opportunity to play with the universe’s arsenal, but even non-fans looking for a fun shooter could enjoy Space Marine’s savagery and unique take on the formula. Space Marine isn’t the most substantial release, but it’s a violent ride that proves there is fun to be had by ridding the galaxy of any and all Xenos.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 13 2011 20:00 GMT
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#warhammer40000 Until recently I was under the impression that Warhammer 40,000 was a tabletop war game played mainly by bookish and bearded nerds in comic shops and out-of-the-way conference rooms at sci-fi / fantasy conventions. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 12 2011 14:00 GMT
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#warhammer40000 If you give me the option to make a pink and yellow Space Marine, I'm going to make a pink and yellow Space Marine. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 12 2011 09:09 GMT
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Ticked off that you’re stuck in the boring blue power-armour of a boring blue Ultramarine in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine’s singleplayer campaign? While you can’t stop Captain Titus from banging on about his Chapter, thanks to one modder’s hard work you can now make him look like he belongs to another, less vanilla entry in the Codex Astartes. Newly added to the mod, at last, are helmets – so you can look like a proper Space Marine, not the 40K equivalent of that bloody Stallone Judge Dredd movie.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 12 2011 09:09 GMT
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Ticked off that you’re stuck in the boring blue power-armour of a boring blue Ultramarine in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine’s singleplayer campaign? While you can’t stop Captain Titus from banging on about his Chapter, thanks to one modder’s hard work you can now make him look like he belongs to another, less vanilla entry in the Codex Astartes. Newly added to the mod, at last, are helmets – so you can look like a proper Space Marine, not the 40K equivalent of that bloody Stallone Judge Dredd movie.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Sep 09 2011 17:20 GMT
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#warhammer40000 Relic Entertainment has proven time and time again with its Dawn of War real-time strategy franchise that it has a deep respect for Warhammer: 40.000. Does that respect extend to the third-person shooter? More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 09 2011 15:31 GMT
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A lot of people are asking us to find out why Space Marine – and its demo – have disappeared from Steam in the UK, despite being a Steamworks game. I.e. it is not for sale on the download service that it requires in order to run. Whaaaaaaat. We’ve tried to get to the bottom of this, but all we can get is a No Comment – we’ll update with more if we can get it. Sorry about that: what a ridiculous and frustrating situation. Especially as the UK has already had to wait several days longer for the game than everyone else, thanks to conniving dunderheads in the retail industry.

In the meantime, if you acquire the PC version of the game from anywhere else, rest assured you can still activate and play it on Steam despite it being invisible on the store. This includes Direct2Drive and Gamersgate for £35 at each, but retailer ShopTo.net is selling the Steam activation code directly for an eminently reasonable £23. Given the net result wherever you buy the game is that you have to activate it on Steam, it seems sensible to pick the cheapest route you can find. Anyone spotted a better deal?

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 09 2011 12:00 GMT
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I’ve already word-splurged about Space Marine’s singleplayer, but what about its multiplayer, which I spent most of yesterday running my cursor over? Does it make Relic’s third-person 40K stompathon a fuller package? Well, yes and no. There’s things I want to whine about, but more importantly there are two very specific things that endear me to it.(more…)

Posted by IGN Sep 09 2011 01:58 GMT
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War, death, and demons are just a way of life in the Warhammer 40k universe. It's a crappy place to live, but makes an awesome setting for the third-person action game, Space Marine. Developer Relic Entertainment does the 40k franchise justice, telling a great Warhammer story that's enjoyable whethe...

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 08 2011 00:22 GMT
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Vinny and Ryan teach those greenskins not to mess with the Shpayce Muhreens!

Posted by Kotaku Sep 07 2011 20:20 GMT
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#warhammer40000 Large and bulky like the mutated heroes of the game itself, the Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine collector's edition could easily take down your average Ork. Let's take a peek inside. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 07 2011 18:00 GMT
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#spacemarine Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is an action shooter with weight. And that weight doesn't come from just the screen-shaking heft of the marines you play, it also comes from the deep history of the nearly 25-year-old franchise upon which the game was built. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 07 2011 14:10 GMT
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Hello! I’ve spent my waking hours since yesterday afternoon battering my way through Relic’s Ork-mashing sci-fi action game Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (which was released yesterday in most of the world but not until bloody Friday in the UK) and am now ready to empty the contents of my head all over you. This is only for the singleplayer campaign, however – I’m hoping to turn my attention to the multiplayer shortly… On with the word-show!(more…)

Posted by IGN Sep 07 2011 00:21 GMT
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We strive to be timely at IGN. Like you, we wish we had a Space Marine review up already. But the reality is that publisher THQ didn't get us a reviewable build -- in this case a retail copy -- until today. I'm busy tearing through the campaign, but until I'm finished with it and have played a good deal of multiplayer I just don't feel comfortable rendering a verdict...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 06 2011 13:52 GMT
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Relic’s orkshoot came out today for people who happen to live in North America, but a mysterious and intractably evil force is preventing exactly the same collection of ones and zeroes from unlocking on PCs in other parts of the world. We’re not expecting Space Marine review code ourselves until a bit later this week – instead of being allowed access to the version already live across the pond – and, mysteriously and worryingly, no American reviews have been posted yet. Hmm. So, in the hope of offering some kind of buyer’s advice for folk the world over, let’s hear what you reckon to the stompy-stompy adventures of Ian Ultramarine.

Early forum reports I’ve been reading are suggesting it’s fun but extremely and sometimes annoyingly repetitive – an allegation which would be sad and strange given the game’s long gestation, but presumably no-one’s that far through it yet. Anyone able to confirm or deny these suggestions?

Posted by Valve Sep 06 2011 04:05 GMT
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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is now available on Steam in North America and in parts of Europe and Asia! It will become available in other countries soon, please see the game page for release times.

Step into the armor of a relentless Space Marine and use a combination of lethal and deadly weapons to crush overwhelming Ork forces.

As Captain Titus, a Space Marine of the Ultramarines chapter and a seasoned veteran of countless battles, you and your squad must use bolter and chainsword to take the fight to the enemies of mankind.


Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 02 2011 18:52 GMT
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Marines in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

There will be multiplayer on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine's disc when the game comes out next week, but there won't be co-op.

Instead, that's coming to the game as free downloadable content sometime in October, the developer confirmed today.

This isn't a separate co-op campaign or anything, but a Horde-like, score-based four-player mode called Exterminatus. Players choose between three classes--Tactical Marine, Devastator, Assault Marinefight-- and fight through two different scenarios--Assault on Hab Center Andreas, Escape From Kalkys Facility--that both feature multiple maps to slog through.

It sounds pretty involved, actually.

You'll earn experience within Exterminatus that can be applied to the other multiplayer modes, too.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 02 2011 09:50 GMT
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Relic’s manly man-killing simulator – Space Marine – is but a week away from unleashing it’s own brand of intense violence, blood and gore upon the world, and THQ have sent us another video to herald it’s arrival. Here we get to see the “Thunder Hammer” turning orcs into clouds of red mist. Delightful. (more…)

Posted by IGN Sep 01 2011 23:00 GMT
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At this point just about every shooter coming out has some form of "survive as long as possible" cooperative mode. Space Marine joins the crowd with a mode called Exterminatus; a four-player survival mode that pits your few marines against an untold multitude of orks. Far from breaking the mold, this uninventive mode is nonetheless still fun, and should give day-one purchasers something to look forward to when it releases some 30 days after Space Marine's launch...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 30 2011 22:00 GMT
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#warhammer40000 While its big, burly characters make it look like it wants to be Gears of War, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine's core tenant is distinctly un-Gears-like: Cover is for the weak. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 24 2011 22:00 GMT
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#warhammer40000 Proof positive that pre-release demos can make or break a game, my interest level in Relic Entertainment's Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine went from zero to must-buy within 30 minutes of try-before-you-buy gameplay. More »