Ben 10 Galactic Racing - more character profiles, screens
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 12 2011 19:52 GMT in Ben 10: Galactic Racing
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Kevin Ethan Levin, aka “Kevin 11,” is Ben’s 17-year-old, super-powered, matter-absorbing, former nemesis. Recently escaped from the extra-dimensional prison, the NULL VOID, Kevin now travels with his former enemies, helping them for his own reasons but sometimes scheming on the side. He can turn himself into metal, wood, stone or any similar substance by absorbing its properties through touch. Kevin is street smart and much wiser in the ways of the world than his more naïve teammates. He’s as cool as they come, and he knows it.

Ultimate Cannonbolt is the same race as Cannonbolt, after having been evolved by the Ultimatrix—which creates an Ultimate Alien by running simulations on a creature’s DNA, putting it through harsher and harsher scenarios over millions of theoretical years, making it stronger and stronger, stopping only at the point when further evolution would create a whole new species. All Ultimate Aliens are 10 times more powerful than their non-Ultimate counterparts. Like Cannonbolt, Ultimate Cannonbolt has a similar stocky, sturdy form that can roll up into a ball to race at lightning speed, plow through walls, or bowl over his enemies. But Ultimate Cannonbolt has more armor, is faster, and has metal spikes that can be fired as projectiles.

Rath’s powers are speed, strength, agility, large claws, extreme durability, and an encyclopedic knowledge of grappling moves.

Spidermonkey is a multi-limbed marsupial who somewhat resembles an Earth monkey. In addition to having superhuman agility, this nimble alien creature can stick to walls like a spider as well as spin giant webs using a silk as hard as steel cable.

Ampfibian is an extremely fast swimmer who can shock the enemy with powerful electricity blasts

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