MGS HD Collection coming to Japan on November 23
Posted by Joystiq Sep 15 2011 20:25 GMT in Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
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So much for a stealthy infiltration to retail: Konami has announced that the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is slated for a Japanese launch of November 23 (as reported by Japanese games blog Game Jouhou). Word came during Konami's stage show event during TGS 2011 today -- err, that may be tomorrow. We're still not sure how the whole time thing works over there.

Outside of launch window, Konami revealed the game would have a special feature allowing players to view select scenes in either traditional full frame (4:3) or in the now-norm widescreen mode (16:9). Additionally, the PS3 version will come with a download voucher for the original Metal Gear Solid on PSN. An Xbox 360 incentive is currently being decided.

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is slated to launch in North America "this winter."

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