One of Halo Anniversary's Inoffensive Kinect Hooks Revealed
Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 16 2011 19:27 GMT in Halo: Combat Evolved
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Switching between visual styles is as simple as clicking a button or talking to your Kinect.

The mere mention of Kinect will cause some people to twitch. When 343 Industries and Microsoft started mentioning Halo and Kinect in the same sentence, the response was appropriately hyperbolic.

Almost immediately, the line from Microsoft was that Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary's Kinect hooks would have nothing to do with waving your hand around and shooting Covenant.

We don't know all of the Kinect features in the high-definition update, but 1UP spoke to franchise development director Frank O'Connor, who revealed one that makes some sense: switching visuals.

By saying "classic" or "remastered," you'll be able to swap between the two versions of the game.

We should know the rest of the Kinect features soon enough, sometime next month.

"We don't want to oversell it," said O'Connor. "It's not something that radically changes the gameplay; it's just another additive bonus on top of the other stuff we've added. We think of it like the 3D: something that makes the experience better, but doesn't change it."

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