Why would Celestia and Luna choose to leave the prison of the highly dangerous god that ruled Equestria before them just lying about in the middle of a garden?
Other than that, this was a decent episode and Discord is indeed an interesting villain.
Edit: Scootaloo was a chicken, and now Sweetie Belle is a dictionary.
Yeah, Discord is pretty awesome.
Why would Celestia and Luna choose to leave the prison of the highly dangerous god that ruled Equestria before them just lying about in the middle of a garden?
Other than that, this was a decent episode and Discord is indeed an interesting villain.
Edit: Scootaloo was a chicken, and now Sweetie Belle is a dictionary.
Like Celestia said,
they thought that the seal would last forever. She didn't expect it to break when Twilight and company unleashed the elements.
Knowing Discord, he probably waited until he could make a quick escape and didn't draw attention to the fact that the seals were gone.
first time watching mlp, kind of want to watch season one now
Discord's voice is delicious.
Unless you are just now watching them in which case good job being 12.
By the way Pops, the commercial free version has been up for a little while now.
Because, you know, it's the hip thing to do
I was watching Batman Beyond before you knew what teleivision was.