Adult Swim unleashes Monsters Ate My Condo on iOS, plans Bring Me Sandwiches!! for later this month
Posted by Joystiq Sep 19 2011 22:50 GMT in Gaming News
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The latest brainchild of Adult Swim Games is a pretty-far-out-there title. Monsters Ate My Condo is, well, just that: You feed condos in an apartment high-rise to gigantic, hungry monsters. It's as weird as it sounds, but mostly we're just in love with the names of the four titular monsters: Boat Head, Reginald Starfire, Mr. Shigoto and Lord Ferocious.

The game is a universal iOS app, developed by PikPok for Adult Swim and is currently available on the App store for $.99 -- though it's only recommended for iPhone 3GS and up. Adult Swim has also partnered with Grumpyface Studios for another iOS game called Bring Me Sandwiches!!, which should be available for download later this month.

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